úterý 18. října 2011


Hi everyone. Today, I'm feeling better than yesterday, but I'm sad always. It is better in school, but when I went home... Awww
But, I will not write I'm little poor today, I promise. I'm optimst, so... I gonna be happy, just now.

Actual photo is of my best friend. He's name Jonah and he is my darling over 4 years. He is golden retriever, I'm lover of retrievers and sometimes in future (actually at the university) I'm going to have a puppy of this breed.
He is so kind, friendly, sometimes little annoying, but sometimes, when he have his moment, he is mad enough :D But I don't have enough time for him, so I like every moment, when I could be with him. And he too.

Just a few letters. I LOVE HIM.

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